Emil Atanasov blog

About Emil Atanasov

Hello! This is my personal site. I’m trying to share interesting articles and posts about technologies which I’m working with. Feel free to get in touch if you want to discuss some of the topics or potential collaboration. You can find me on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Short bio and Experience

Emil Atanasov is an IT consultant who has extensive experience with mobile technologies. He started working in the field of mobile development in 2006. He runs his own contracting and consulting company serving clients from around the world - Appose Studio Inc.

He is a MSc graduated at RWTH Aachen University, Germany, and Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria. He has been a contractor for several large companies in the U.S. and U.K. serving variously as team leader, project manager, solution architect, iOS developer, and Android developer. He enjoys sharing his knowledge and teaches courses at Sofia University in Swift and iOS Development.

He is the author of the “Learn Swift by Building Applications” book. He has served as technical reviewer and contributor on the following Packt titles: “Getting Started with Flurry Analytics”, “Objective C Memory Management”, “Android Application Development Cookbook”, and “Android High Performance Programming”.